Monday 29 August 2011

lois chiles (via robert redford)

This summer I hunkered down with the brilliant biography of Robert Redford ( He strikes me as a man who has rarely compromised, and has lived such a life of authenticity... not to mention singlehandedly inventing independent cinema in the US. While such traits may have made him a difficult husband and father the story of his career is utterly inspiring. I am now revisiting all of his old movies, starting with Gatsby (why not!) and of course one of my (everyone's?) all-time faves "The Way We Were".... was there ever a more beautiful human being than Hubble Gardner? Even the opening lines of Hubble's short story, "In a way he was like the country he lived in, everything came too easily to him. But at least he knew it." Magic.

The point is though that I've been reminded how much I adore Lois Chiles..... was she the first to perfect the art of "under-acting"? So utterly luminous as both Jordan Baker in Gatsby and college sweetheart Carol Ann in TWWWere, I'm not sure why she didn't reach more lofty acting heights. Interestingly she dated Don Henley for years... another fave of mine... and as a footnote I did name one of my four girls "Lois". This gorgeous, grainy pic from

Monday 22 August 2011

Best line from a salesperson ever...

About 10 years ago I stopped buying "it" bags... it was liberating (and has saved me a fortune). I chose a handbag I loved (ok, a Birkin) and stuck with it... despite the best efforts of Posh and the other WAGs, I remain committed. My friend New York Tracey said to me recently "oh you Hong Kong girls still love your Birkins don't you?" I'm not sure that's really the case, I think the "it" bag is still going strong in Hong Kong... And I do appreciate the "are Birkins cool anyway?" quandry, as it's the very last thing you would see Jane Birkin carrying (and is anyone cooler than her?) but anyway, I digress...

The exceptions I make in my handbag wardrobe I specifically justify. I have a Chloe Heloise bag - I had been looking for the perfect "Farrah 70s handbag" and found it about 5 years ago. Still love it. I also love my Goyard totes as they are SO light for travelling, great weekenders, and they are waterproof and I live in the tropics....

So I really only have one remaining handbag vice, and that's Jamin Puech. I bought my first about 10 years ago at Bergdorfs and have loved them ever since.... so on my recent trip to Paris I had to schlep to one of the freestanding stores in Paris... I say schlep cos I dragged my children and husband with me. So with hubby standing outside reading a map, working his tourist look, and 2 of my daughters trashing the joint, I rolled my sleeves up and "tried on" every bag in the store.... The designs are so flighty and whimsical, not "in fashion" just artistic in their own way. Which gets me to my punchline.

For logistical reasons I had to use hubby's credit card to pay for my bounty..... I said to the salesperson "don't tell him the total". Her response: "Oh you're a beautiful woman he knew what he was getting himself into when he married you". God I love Paris. Actually after she said that I threw in one more.